Summer Academy 2014: Energy Transition 2.0


The 11th annual Summer Academy ‘Energy and the Environment’, took place from 20-25 July in close cooperation with the University of Greifswald. The Summer Academy is a unique knowledge- and networking platform, uniting leading policy-makers, professionals, academics and other experts around the topic of climate protection and the energy transition. With over 15 different nationalities attending, the Academy takes a distinctly international and interdisciplinary approach to today’s climate and energy questions. The Academy merges professional expertise with conviviality in the comfort of IKEM’s conference facilities in the center of Berlin, political heart of the German energy transition. This year’s Academy offered a full 6-day program:

Sunday , Arrival of participants in Berlin, introductory workshop and dinner

Monday , The conferences began with a scientific diagnosis of the state and urgency of climate change, after which (the effectiveness of) international climate policy and regional (US and EU) frameworks were analyzed. The challenge of climate justice were discussed, as was the design of an effective carbon pricing system.

Tuesday , A review of the international energy matrix showed which energy sources dominated the market and why, uncovered the influence of new sources like shale gas and tight oil on the geopolitical energy landscape, analyzed the effect of China’s economic boom on the energy market and considered challenges and (off-grid) solutions for developing countries.

Wednesday , Based on this in-depth understanding of the overall energy market, the focus of the program narrowed to renewable energy sources: Beginning with a review of the German energy transition and going on to successful policy measures, requirements like grid expansion and stakeholder participation, long-term remuneration schemes, the effect of the financial crisis on RES development, followed by the role and importance of energy storage, addressing battery solutions, hydrogen conversion and the framework for power-to-gas development.

Thursday , The effective accommodation of renewable energy on international electricity markets was up next: Market stability and security of supply, the design of renewable energy-based electricity markets, the importance of international cooperation,  the role of interconnectors in establishing an integrated market, renewable energy policy harmonization and the place for capacity mechanisms.

Friday , All issues discussed during the week came together on the last day, which was dedicated to off-shore wind energy. The potential and challenges associated with this energy source were discussed by transmission system operators, project developers, policy-makers, legal experts and think-tanks, finalized by an interdisciplinary panel discussion.

The event ended on a festive note with a good-bye barbecue.

Teaching faculty

The Academy’s faculty consists of renowned scholars and experts from a variety of disciplines that lie at the heart of the energy transition. This year we welcomed speakers from:

Climate Analytics, the University of Strathclyde, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) Gmbh, the German Bundesnetzagentur, 50Hertz, Ecologic Institute,  Public Service Enterprise Group, Eclareon GmbH, TenneT Offshore GmbH,  DONG Energy, International Emissions Trading Association, Weltenergierat (World Energy Council),  Milieu Ltd., the University of Calgary, GasUnie,  the IZES (Institut für ZukunftsEnergieSysteme), the Free University of Berlin, Mobisol, the German Federal Environment Ministry (BMUB), the Deutsche Umwelthilfe, Hydrogenics Europe, the University of Applied Sciences Berlin, Agora Energiewende, the German Advisory Council on the Environment or SRU, the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research…


IKEM – Institut für Klimaschutz, Energie und Mobilität e.V.


IKEM Academy „Energy and Climate“

Forschende und Expert:innen aus aller Welt kommen bei der IKEM Academy zusammen, um sich über die wichtigsten Fragen der Energiewende auszutauschen.

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IKEM and EUETH will be hosting a series of side events at this year’s climate negotiations to discuss the energy-climate-defense nexus, the reconstruction of Ukraine’s energy system, and nature-based solutions for climate mitigation.