| Oktober 2023

Preliminary Technical Study

Roadmap for a climate-neutral, sustainable Ukrainian energy sector and its role in an integrated EU energy market.
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This publication aims to account for the current situation in Ukraine’s energy system and to chart a course towards a prosperous, modern, and innovative future for the country. This study is subdivided into four sections: a description of Ukraine’s current energy system, a catalogue of future energy pillars which will foster and enable a thriving and dynamic future, a comparative cost-benefit analysis of various types of electricity, and a section presenting the results of an expert survey that was carried out as part of the Energy Roadmap project.

The study is part of a triptych of preliminary studies – technical, financial, and legal – that make up the first stage of the Ukraine Energy Roadmap offered by the Europe-Ukraine Energy Transition Hub. A fourth text presenting the joint conclusions and recommendations from the three studies is published in parallel.

Zugehörige Projekte


Mit den Zielen Klimaneutralität, Nachhaltigkeit und EU-Integration entwickeln IKEM und seine Partner eine Vision für die Zukunft des ukrainischen Energiesektors.

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IKEM and EUETH will be hosting a series of side events at this year’s climate negotiations to discuss the energy-climate-defense nexus, the reconstruction of Ukraine’s energy system, and nature-based solutions for climate mitigation.