| September 2024

Offshore wind and power-to-hydrogen in the Baltic Sea Region

BOWE2H Strategic Roadmap.


The Baltic Sea Region holds significant potential for offshore wind-energy and green-hydrogen production, both critical components in achieving climate neutrality by 2045. This Strategic Roadmap, produced in the framework of the Interreg BSR project BOWE2H, outlines the current status, challenges, and opportunities for expanding offshore-wind and hydrogen production, and underscores the crucial need for strategic investment and regional cooperation.

Zugehörige Projekte


Das Projekt BOWE2H soll die transnationale Zusammenarbeit bei Offshore-Windenergie und Wasserstoffproduktion im Ostseeraum stärken.

Weitere Informationen

Belltheus Avdic, Dàmir, et al.: Offshore wind and power-to-hydrogen in the Baltic Sea Region. BOWE2H Strategic Roadmap. 2024.
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IKEM and EUETH will be hosting a series of side events at this year’s climate negotiations to discuss the energy-climate-defense nexus, the reconstruction of Ukraine’s energy system, and nature-based solutions for climate mitigation.