BOWE2H Closing Event | IKEM Annual Conference 2024

Transnational Energy Cooperation in the Baltic Sea Region

Offshore-Windpark alpha ventus

In times of climate change and conflict, offshore wind and green hydrogen will be major accelerators for the energy transition in the Baltic Sea region, fostering deeper interconnection and collaboration along the way. This two-part event addresses the results, stakes and context of the BOWE2H project in the morning, and dives into the multi-level regional policy and practice perspectives on regional offshore wind and hydrogen development in the afternoon.

By facilitating interdisciplinary dialogue and transnational collaboration between multi-level policymakers, industry leaders, innovators and researchers, this program engages the speakers with the expert audience through Q&A’s, panel discussion and quizzes with a view to identify innovative solutions to enhance energy cooperation and accelerate the transition to a low-carbon future in the Baltic Sea Region.

Both parts of the event will be conducted in English.

PART I: BOWE2H Closing Event (10:00 – 16:00)

Roadmap towards transnational offshore wind and hydrogen development in the Baltic Sea

The BOWE2H Closing Event will address the results and recommendations of the project, highlighting the stra-tegic relevance and market perspectives of offshore-wind and hydrogen production as well as the role of re-gional governments and transnational cooperation for offshore development.

Confirmed Speakers

PART II: IKEM Annual Conference (17:00 – 22:00)

Roadmap towards transnational offshore wind and hydrogen development in the Baltic Sea

Building on the input from the first part, the IKEM Annual Conference will dive into policy and practice examples around offshore wind and green hydrogen in the Baltic Sea region from different countries, provide a deeper understanding of the targets and strategies in place, discuss how transnational collaboration can help to achieve these targets, and more.

Confirmed Speakers

Bowe2H Logo
Interreg BSR Funding LogoQuelle: Interreg BSR
Logo Insitut für Klimaschutz


Judith Schäfer-GendrischQuelle: IKEM/Jule Halsinger

Press contact

Dennis Nill

Dennis Nill
+49 (0)30 / 408 1870 17

IKEM – Institute for Climate Protection, Energy and Mobility e.V.