“We must strengthen rural areas as places to live and do business.”
Mobility is a basic prerequisite for economic and social participation, yet particularly in rural areas, the creation of an inclusive and sustainable transport system is a major challenge. In the interview with Dr Alexandra Appel, Head of the Mobility Department at IKEMwe discuss possible solutions, the concept of ‘rural areas’ and the objectives of IKEM […]
Diversity, sustainability and interdisciplinary solutions
The Mobility department is dedicated to the challenges associated with advancing digitalization and the development of autonomous vehicles. Other focal points include the transition to the use of alternative driving systems and fuels for transportation with as few greenhouse gas emissions as possible, innovative mobility concepts, the design of sustainable logistics, as well as the […]
Mobility transition in rural areas
At IKEM, on May 4, 2023, the MobiRural research consortium members convened to share their research outcomes and engage in discussions regarding the future course of the project. The European MobiRural initiative aims to identify sustainable solutions for rural mobility and create a practical learning platform to facilitate their successful implementation. In this way, the […]
Connected mobility for climate action
On gathered 17 international project partners for the third ORCHESTRA plenary meeting on 1 and 2 February 2023. The project aims to coordinate and synchronise the transport networks (road, rail, sea, air) with each other in order to achieve better and more resilient traffic management. The meeting in Berlin served to exchange findings and decide […]
Dr. Alexandra Appel
Dr. Alexandra Appel is head of the mobility department at IKEM. She currently leads projects on electromobility and focuses on sustainable mobility concepts in urban and rural areas. Previously, she was an academic councillor, researcher and lecturer at the Chair of Economic Geography at the Institute of Geography and Geology at the Julius-Maximilians-University of Würzburg […]
Klimagerechte und nachhaltige Mobilität im ländlichen Raum
International exchange to improve rural mobility
On 17–18 November 2022, the MobiRural consortium met in Bucharest, Romania, for a second project meeting. MobiRural project partners aim to identify solutions for sustainable rural mobility and create guidance for their implementation. Against this background, the first project day focused on the ‘Rural mobility handbook’. The handbook is a compilation of experiences, information and […]
IKEM paves the way for electric transport systems in rural communities
Anne Freiberger is a Senior Research Associate at IKEM and heads the EUniSproject to advance the mobility transition.. In an interview, she spoke with us about the importance of public transport in rural areas and how vehicle batteries can be used to provide system services in the distribution network. EUniS stands for ‘Development and Implementation […]