Regulatory framework does not preclude imports, study shows
In a study published today, IKEM examines the legal framework for the import of renewable hydrogen and hydrogen carrier media from Australia to Germany. IKEM researchers conclude that the regulatory framework does not preclude imports. Hydrogen is a key technology for achieving climate goals. However, the market ramp-up envisaged by the national hydrogen strategy cannot […]
Ariadne-Analyse: Regionale Steuerungsinstrumente im Stromsektor
Rechtsrahmen für die ergänzende Solarförderung auf Landesebene
Flugwindkraft – Neue Technologie, neue Chancen
Offshore-Windenergie – Jahrestagung 2021 des Vereins für Infrastrukturrecht (VIR)
Statement on the 6th Assessment Report of the IPCC
On Monday, 4 April 2022, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) finalised the third instalment of the Sixth Assessment Report. The report reflects the best available science on climate change mitigation and represents the culmination of five years of work by 278 scientists from 65 countries. Governments and experts from around the world submitted […]
Potenzial für die Photovoltaik vergrößern – PV-Anlagen auf landwirtschaftlichen Flächen und entlang Autobahnen
Regionaler Grünstrom Brandenburg-Berlin – Bestandsaufnahme und Status quo
Ausbauziele und Flächenplanung für Erneuerbare-Energien-Anlagen
Easier said than done
The new coalition, made up of the Social Democratic Party (SPD), the Greens, and the Free Democratic Party (FDP), intends to function as an “alliance for freedom, justice and sustainability.” Indeed, the statements made in the coalition agreement sound ambitious in terms of climate protection. However, the agreement leaves questions concerning their implementation open. “This […]