Berlin Energy Roundtable: Solar Energy in Urban Centres


The Berlin Energy Roundtable is back! The Energy Roundtable, originally launched by Prof. Konstantin Lenz and Prof. Andreas Grübel, offers exciting discussions on content and an opportunity for exchange and networking. All interested people from the diverse world of the energy industry are invited. For the first post-pandemic edition, we will meet on Wednesday, 8 […]

International experience for a successful transition in the Lusatia region


The phase-out of coal-fired power generation is crucial for achieving the 1.5- or 2-degree Celsius target agreed in the Paris Agreement. To ensure that former coal regions such as Lusatia are not left behind economically, a successful transition to renewable energies and a climate-friendly local economy is necessary. A recent study published by IKEM used […]

Accelerating expansion – overcoming the energy crisis

In light of the measures adopted last week to expand wind power, GermanZero and IKEM published a poster that illustrates the enormous complexity involved in the construction of wind turbines: the planning and approval processes in Germany take at least seven years. In view of the current energy crisis, this is too long: the expansion […]

Regulatory framework does not preclude imports, study shows

In a study published today, IKEM examines the legal framework for the import of renewable hydrogen and hydrogen carrier media from Australia to Germany. IKEM researchers conclude that the regulatory framework does not preclude imports. Hydrogen is a key technology for achieving climate goals. However, the market ramp-up envisaged by the national hydrogen strategy cannot […]