How to effectively plan and approve ground-mounted photovoltaic systems

Ground-mounted photovoltaic systems on a green field

The energy transition is in full swing and the expansion of renewable energies plays a decisive role in the process. However, in order to achieve the government’s climate targets, it is necessary to accelerate the expansion of solar installations. In a new poster, IKEM and GermanZero therefore present a vision for enhancing the efficiency of […]

Mandatory PV installation on every car park?

The intended introduction of a photovoltaic (PV) obligation for existing car parks in France offers an opportunity to investigate whether a similar regulation could be implemented in German law.[1] A PV obligation for existing car parks would have considerable potential in Germany as well: a December 2022 study by Fraunhofer ISE estimated that covering 300,000 […]

A legal foundation for a carbon-neutral future


Flexible, decentralised energy production can reduce emissions and put more power in the hands of consumers – if the right laws and regulations are in place. Judith Schäfer, head of IKEM’s Energy Law Department, explains the specific role of energy law in the fight against climate change. Schäfer also shares her vision of the energy […]

The European energy transition from a comparative law perspective

IKEM-Direktor Prof. Dr. Michael Rodi bei der IKEM-Jahrestagung 2022

The University of Greifswald hosted the International Academic Conference on Comparative Perspectives on the Law of Energy Transition in Europe on 16–17 March 2023. The conference, which was spearheaded by Prof. Johannes Saurer of the University of Tübingen and Prof. Dr. Michael Rodi of IKEM/University of Greifswald/IFZO, examined comparative perspectives on energy transition laws across […]

Revision of the Spatial Planning Act


The federal government has introduced a new version of the Spatial Planning Act (Raumordnungsgesetz, ROG) to speed up the planning and approval procedures for wind energy projects and promote the expansion of renewables. Although IKEM welcomes this legislative initiative, the planned changes raise concerns, in particular because their implementation may lead to new delays in […]

An overview of energy law and energy reality

Cover des Buchs Energierecht und Energiewirklichkeit auf neutralem Hintergrund

The second, completely revised edition of Energierecht und Energiewirklichkeit was released today by the publisher Energie & Management. The handbook, edited by Prof. Christian Held and Dr. Simon Schäfer-Stradowsky, introduces the basics of energy law and explains to readers how the energy world actually works, using practical examples. Energierecht und Energiewirklichkeit is aimed not only […]