Rechtswissenschaftliche Studie zu den regulatorischen Rahmenbedingungen für eine Deutsch-Australische Wasserstoffbrücke
Wasserstoff entfesseln – welchen Rahmen braucht der Markthochlauf?
Harnessing the power of hydrogen
Rechtlicher Überblick: Was hat sich 2021 im Energiewenderecht geändert?
Regulatory framework does not preclude imports, study shows
In a study published today, IKEM examines the legal framework for the import of renewable hydrogen and hydrogen carrier media from Australia to Germany. IKEM researchers conclude that the regulatory framework does not preclude imports. Hydrogen is a key technology for achieving climate goals. However, the market ramp-up envisaged by the national hydrogen strategy cannot […]
Regulatory framework for a German-Australian hydrogen bridge
Rechtswissenschaftliche Studie zu den regulatorischen Rahmenbedingungen für eine Deutsch-Australische Wasserstoffbrücke
IKEM position paper: The energy transition must be a top priority in LNG terminal construction
The energy transition and the future import of climate-neutral energy sources must be top priorities in the construction of new liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminals, according to a position paper released today by IKEM in response to the German government’s announcement of plans for an LNG Acceleration Act. ‘Even if we want to find a […]