Die europäische Energiewende ist der bessere Energiepreisdeckel
REthinking Law: Sieben Jahre sind zu viel!
Legal certainty needed for customer installations
Customer installations, such as an energy supply system in an apartment building, can provide end users with a local energy supply outside of the regulated grid. The operation of such systems receives privileged treatment under energy law, which is why the solution is economically appealing, for example to supply energy to a neighbourhood. However, an […]
Successful meeting of ENGAGE and SINA project partners
Both projects ENGAGE and SINA deal with the potential of social innovations for sustainable transformations. Now, members of both teams met to discuss social innovations in the energy transition. In more general terms, Social Innovations describe ideas which address social needs by improved means. In order to attain an inclusive and just energy transition, we […]
Rechtswissenschaftliche Studie zu den regulatorischen Rahmenbedingungen für eine Deutsch-Australische Wasserstoffbrücke
Rechtswissenschaftliche Studie zu den regulatorischen Rahmenbedingungen für eine Deutsch-Australische Wasserstoffbrücke
§ 21 – Digitalisierung der Energiewende – Neue Akteure und Technologien
Statement on the 6th Assessment Report of the IPCC
On Monday, 4 April 2022, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) finalised the third instalment of the Sixth Assessment Report. The report reflects the best available science on climate change mitigation and represents the culmination of five years of work by 278 scientists from 65 countries. Governments and experts from around the world submitted […]