“Developing the constitutional debt system in the context of climate protection”

With its ruling on November 15, 2023, the Federal Constitutional Court declared the Second Supplementary Budget Act 2021 null and void. The law aimed to allocate EUR 60 billion in unutilized credit appropriations to the “Climate and Transformation Fund” (KTF), originally earmarked for dealing with the coronavirus pandemic. According to the decision by the Federal […]

Social innovations – now more than ever!

Teilnehmer des vierten ENGAGE-Partner:innentreffens

The ENGAGE project is researching the potential of social innovations for the successful and inclusive implementation of the energy transition. The foundation for the activities for the remaining months of the project was laid at last week’s partner meeting. The energy transition in Germany can only succeed if we work together – as demonstrated by […]


COP28 Logo

Each COP is a defining moment in the fight for our planet and a sustainable future. Scientific findings including the latest IPCC reports have repeatedly stressed the need for urgent climate action – a key priority for this year’s COP28, hosted in Dubai (United Arab Emirates) between 30 November and 12 December 2023. Almost eight […]

Strategischer Wasserstoffhochlauf

Energy Round Table Logo

Wasserstoff kann als zukunftsweisender Energieträger eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Dekarbonisierung des Mobilitätssektors, der Industrie, der Stromerzeugung und der Wärmeversorgung spielen. Sein vielseitiges Anwendungsspektrum und sein Dekarbonisierungspotenzial machen ihn zu einem vielversprechenden Baustein unserer Energiezukunft. Wie die strategische Integration von Wasserstoff in unser Energiesystem gelingen kann, darüber möchten wir mit Ihnen beim nächsten Berliner Energiestammtisch […]

Join us at
IKEM and EUETH will be hosting a series of side events at this year’s climate negotiations to discuss the energy-climate-defense nexus, the reconstruction of Ukraine’s energy system, and nature-based solutions for climate mitigation.