Proposal for a nationwide regulation of citizen participation in wind and solar parks
Acceptance for the energy transition depends on involving residents affected by it – this is the premise of a recently published legal study by IKEM on behalf of the Bündnis Bürgerenergie (BBEn) and the Deutscher Genossenschafts- und Raiffeisenverband (DGRV). Only if wind and solar parks will only be recognized as a positive development in the […]
H2-ready power plants
Hydrogen plays a pivotal role in the renewable energy system, ensuring secure electricity generation. As we embrace this shift, it is imperative for both new and existing power plants to be H2-ready. Join us at the Berlin Energy Round Table on February 28, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. at the Institute for Climate Protection, Energy and […]
Integration of Heat Consumers into Green Heating Networks – Municipal Control Instruments
“An agreement is only as good as its implementation”
Ievgeniia Kopytsia, research associate at IKEM and member of the newly founded Europe Ukraine Energy Transition Hub (EUETH), attended COP28 in Dubai. In an interview, she shares insights on the conference and its outcomes, along with their implications for Ukraine. What was your role at COP28 in Dubai? I attended the COP in a dual […]
Unlocking Ukraine’s potential
At a COP28 side event hosted by the Europe Ukraine Energy Transition Hub (EUETH), IKEM’s panelists highlighted the need for a robust legal framework and international cooperation for a successful transformation of the Ukrainian energy sector after the war. “The energy transition is a key element for Ukraine’s long-term prosperity. A successful transformation contributes to […]
Wasserstoffanlagen im Planungs- und Genehmigungsrecht
IKEM Academy “Energy and Climate”
Sun, Wind & Wires: Atlas of an energy system in transition
We are delighted to present ‘Sun, Wind & Wires’: an attractively illustrated textbook on the energy transition. ‘Sun, Wind & Wires’ is the English version of the German original ‘Strom Netz Fluss’. It brings together expertise in energy economics with the captivating aesthetics of Ellery Studio. The aim behind this ‘Atlas of an energy system […]