Yannick Würkert

Yannick Würkert has been working as a research associate at the Institute for Climate Protection, Energy and Mobility in the Department of Energy Law since October 2023. He studied law at the Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg and the Universidad A Coruna. After his first state law examination, he gained practical experience as a research assistant at […]
Möglichkeiten der raumordnerischen Steuerung des Freiflächen-Photovoltaik-Ausbaus

Leandra Schulz, LL.M.
Leandra Schulz is a Senior Research Associate in the Energy Law department at IKEM. She studied law at the Humboldt University in Berlin. After completing her first state examination, she completed an LL.M. degree at the University of Edinburgh in the field of Corporate Law and gained experience as a research associate at the law […]
CE marking of ammonia-powered sport yachts
For a study published today, the Institute for Climate Protection, Energy and Mobility (IKEM) investigated how to enable the use of ammonia as a climate-neutral fuel for sport yachts in line with safety and environmental requirements. Since the EU safety standards for small watercrafts do not yet contain any requirements in this regard, the study […]
Battery storage in integrated energy and consumption systems
Simon Großmann, LL.M.
Simon Großmann is a research associate in the Energy Law department at IKEM. He studied law at the Leibniz University of Hanover. After completing his first state examination, he worked as a research assistant for two law firms in commercial law. He then completed a Master of Laws (LL.M.) in Public International Law with a […]
Lokale Akzeptanz von EE-Anlagen
Buchbesprechung: Energierecht und Energiewirklichkeit
A legal foundation for a carbon-neutral future
Flexible, decentralised energy production can reduce emissions and put more power in the hands of consumers – if the right laws and regulations are in place. Judith Schäfer, head of IKEM’s Energy Law Department, explains the specific role of energy law in the fight against climate change. Schäfer also shares her vision of the energy […]
The European energy transition from a comparative law perspective
The University of Greifswald hosted the International Academic Conference on Comparative Perspectives on the Law of Energy Transition in Europe on 16–17 March 2023. The conference, which was spearheaded by Prof. Johannes Saurer of the University of Tübingen and Prof. Dr. Michael Rodi of IKEM/University of Greifswald/IFZO, examined comparative perspectives on energy transition laws across […]