Region of the future: Economic potential of renewable energies in Brandenburg
With around 4,000 wind turbines, 61,500 photovoltaic systems and 454 biogas plants, Brandenburg had the highest value of installed renewable capacity per inhabitant in Germany in 2023. IKEM has now conducted a study to examine the economic potential of this energy infrastructure for the region in detail. In this interview, Dàmir Belltheus Avdic, Head of […]
Energieeffizienz und Lastflexibilität: Chancen und Herausforderungen
In einer Zeit, in der die Komplexität des Energiemarkts und die Anforderungen an eine nachhaltige Energieversorgung steigen, spielt die industrielle Lastflexibilität eine entscheidende Rolle. Beim kommenden Berliner Energiestammtisch wollen wir in dieses Thema eintauchen. Wir sind zu Gast bei enervis energy advisors, einer renommierten Beratungsagentur in der Energiebranche, die ihre Kund:innen dabei unterstützt, fundierte und zukunftsweisende […]
Building bridges – interdisciplinary research on sustainability
With the newly founded Research Directorate, IKEM would like to expand its work with additional perspectives and strengthen its interdisciplinary research on climate protection, energy and transport transition. In the interview with the two members of the Board of Directors, Prof. Dr. Susanne Stoll-Kleemann and Prof. Dr. Jelena Bäumler, we talked about their research focuses, […]
A way ahead for Ukraine’s energy sector and climate action
For more than two years now, Ukraine has been defying the Russian invasion and the many associated challenges – including in the energy sector. For this newsletter, we spoke to our colleague Ievgeniia Kopytsia about the impact of the war on climate protection, the country’s impressive goals for decarbonizing its energy sector and the cooperation […]
Klima und Recht (05/2024)
Green ammonia as an essential component of the energy transition
In the CAMPFIRE project, the Institute for Climate Protection, Energy and Mobility (IKEM) has published studies on the potential of green ammonia for the decarbonization of various sectors in Germany and Europe, and on the approval of ammonia-powered inland vessels. “Ammonia is in many ways a prime candidate to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from our […]
WindEnergy Hamburg 2024
WindEnergy Hamburg is the largest and most important fair for the global wind industry. Planners, manufacturers, suppliers, financiers, operators, service providers and companies of all sizes and orientations meet here. The fair is organized by Hamburg Messe und Congress in cooperation with Messe Husum & Congress. It is the world’s leading fair for the industry […]
Potential and challenges of green ammonia as marine fuel in the port of Rostock
The Institute for Climate Protection, Energy and Mobility (IKEM) has published a study that examines social acceptance issues related to the use of ammonia in shipping. With regard to aspects such as employment potential, air quality and greenhouse gas emissions, the study uses the example of the Port of Rostock to show that green ammonia […]
CE marking of ammonia-powered sport yachts
For a study published today, the Institute for Climate Protection, Energy and Mobility (IKEM) investigated how to enable the use of ammonia as a climate-neutral fuel for sport yachts in line with safety and environmental requirements. Since the EU safety standards for small watercrafts do not yet contain any requirements in this regard, the study […]