Die Dekarbonisierung der Schifffahrt aus rechtlicher Perspektive
Klima und Recht (02/2023)
Zukunftsbild Energie
How do ports become ammonia filling stations?
In a paper and issue brief released today, IKEM analyses the shore-side framework for the use of ammonia as a marine fuel and the prerequisites for the approval of ammonia-powered inland vessels. Die Autor:innen decken darin nicht nur Rechtsunsicherheiten und -lücken auf, sondern haben auch Handlungsempfehlungen erarbeitet, damit die klimaneutrale Kraftstoffversorgung der Binnen- und Seeschifffahrt […]
Green Hydrogen Summit in Lissabon
Standardisation and certification of hydrogen transport infrastructure
Because hydrogen is a versatile energy carrier, it plays a central role in the energy transition. Hydrogen that is produced from renewable sources facilitates the decarbonisation of industry, transport, and the heating sector and is thus essential for sector coupling. Transport infrastructure that functions safely and efficiently is vital for the distribution and use of […]