Contribution to the EUKI Academy Webinar
As a part of the CIC2030 project, Aleksandra Novikova, PhD, held the third EUKI Academy Webinar on the importance of tracking energy and climate investment flows, how it is done and what are the obstacles to tackle. The webinar series is part of the EUKI Academy of the European Climate Initiative and was initiated as […]
Finanzierungsmodelle für Investitionen in die Energieeffizienz im Gebäudesektor
CIC2030 project launch event in Riga
The kick-off meeting in Riga aimed to include the main stakeholders in Latvia. The conception was presented through the presentations of the project partners in order to receive detailed feedback on the scope, methodology and schedule of the most important work results. In addition, close collaboration should be established with some of these stakeholders in […]
CIC2030 project launch event in Prague
The aim of the kick-off meeting in Prague was to present our project to the key players in the financial sector in the Czech Republic, to discuss our results with them and to pool their expectations, data and knowledge. Participating actors included representatives from the Ministry of the Environment, the Ministry of Finance and the […]
Überblick zu den Investitionsströmen der Energiewende in Deutschland und Frankreich: Vergleich von Methoden und ausgewählte Ergebnisse
Climate and energy investment map in Germany – Status report 2016
COP24 Side-Event in Katowice
I4CE, Wise Europa, and IKEM hosted the COP24 Side-Event “From domestic climate finance tracking to climate capital investment plans: what’s next in France, Europe and worldwide?” on 10th December 2018. The event presented the existing and emerging practice on tracking climate investment and finance – and how it is being integrated into the policy and […]
CIC2030 project kick-off in Berlin
The German Kick-Off served to provide a first fine tuning for the project scope, workplan, and methodological approaches, which could be applied in the project core deliverables in line with the stakeholder interest, e.g. the German development bank KfW, the German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi), and the German Federal Ministry of […]