“There is a need for innovative legal solutions to address climate change”

SB60 climate negotiations in Bonn

The 60th biannual sessions of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) subsidiary bodies (SB60) in Bonn unfolded against a backdrop of geopolitical tensions and economic uncertainties. The event highlighted the complex interplay of global challenges and urgent climate action imperatives. Amid worsening trade disputes, ongoing regional conflicts, persistent inflation in major economies, and […]

Sun, Wind & Wires: Atlas of an energy system in transition

We are delighted to present ‘Sun, Wind & Wires’: an attractively illustrated textbook on the energy transition. ‘Sun, Wind & Wires’ is the English version of the German original ‘Strom Netz Fluss’. It brings together expertise in energy economics with the captivating aesthetics of Ellery Studio. The aim behind this ‘Atlas of an energy system […]

The European energy transition from a comparative law perspective

IKEM-Direktor Prof. Dr. Michael Rodi bei der IKEM-Jahrestagung 2022

The University of Greifswald hosted the International Academic Conference on Comparative Perspectives on the Law of Energy Transition in Europe on 16–17 March 2023. The conference, which was spearheaded by Prof. Johannes Saurer of the University of Tübingen and Prof. Dr. Michael Rodi of IKEM/University of Greifswald/IFZO, examined comparative perspectives on energy transition laws across […]