Social innovations – now more than ever!
The ENGAGE project is researching the potential of social innovations for the successful and inclusive implementation of the energy transition. The foundation for the activities for the remaining months of the project was laid at last week’s partner meeting. The energy transition in Germany can only succeed if we work together – as demonstrated by […]
ENGAGE Innovation Workshop
We want to enable the energy transition with social innovations! In this innovation workshop, we want to introduce you to the potential of social innovation in the energy transition and work with you to develop new ideas to expand the ENGAGE project. Project ideas for new products and services are to be developed, tested and […]
engage presents the Energiewende-O-Mat
At a conference in Frankfurt am Main on Saturday, the engage research project presented the Energiewende-O-Mat. It is Germany’s first and currently only digital contact point for citizens who want to get actively involved in the energy transition. At, users can find projects and initiatives in which they can get involved financially or personally. […]