Summer Academy 2018


22 – 27 July 2018: This year’s Summer Academy 2018 will focus on „Policy and Finance for Climate Action“ and will take place in Greifswald and Berlin.

Since 2004, IKEM’s annual Summer Academy “Energy and the Environment” has been identifying key issues regarding energy, mobility and climate protection. The Summer Academy addresses current challenges of climate change and the transformation of energy systems with a one-week program consisting of workshops, lectures and on-site visits.

This year, the Summer Academy features the topic „Policy and Finance for Climate Action“: Spurred by increased global awareness and advances in technology, international climate  policy is finally gathering momentum. The Paris Agreement marks a clear acceleration in  climate action, committing to keep global warming below 2 degrees by decreasing the use of fossil fuels, increasing renewable energy and by implementing adaptation and resilience measures. The climate pledges made by the international community, national governments and private actors must now be translated into meaningful action. Finance is one of the key drivers of this much needed climate action. Now is the time for  innovative, creative solutions to mobilise the necessary resources and trigger involvement  from all levels of society: Governments, the private sector, communities and individuals. The Summer Academy 2018 will sketch a roadmap to a low-carbon future: From the  international climate policy framework, to national policy and finance lessons of the  German energy transition, down to the different forms of climate finance and the participation of multi-level stakeholders.

The Academy features workshops, visits to a wind energy farm and a renewable electricity  storage plant, a three-day conference program, networking events and a festive goodbye  barbecue in Berlin.

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IKEM – Institute for Climate Protection, Energy and Mobility e.V.


IKEM Academy “Energy and Climate”

The IKEM Academy invites researchers and experts from all over the world to exchange ideas on climate change and the energy transition.

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IKEM and EUETH will be hosting a series of side events at this year’s climate negotiations to discuss the energy-climate-defense nexus, the reconstruction of Ukraine’s energy system, and nature-based solutions for climate mitigation.