Summer Academy 2015


Governing Climate Change: A Multi-Level Approach to Energy System Transformation

19-24 Juli , Berlin , Greifswald

The Greifswald Agenda:

‘Energy System Transformation: Moving forward’


Visit of wind energy park

Tour of decommissioned nuclear power plant

The Berlin Conferences:

Wednesday 22 July : Climate Change: the International Policy Challenge

Thursday 23 July: Regional and National Low-Carbon Policy Frameworks

Friday 24 July: Energiewende: Towards a Decentralised Energy Supply


The 12th annual Summer Academy ‘Energy and the Environment’ will address the challenges posed by climate change from a multi-level policy and action perspective. Governments are announcing ambitious targets to cut greenhouse gases, and record numbers marched against climate change in the run-up to the 2014 climate talks. The climate movement has gathered unprecedented momentum, and the need for action on climate change has never been this widely recognized. But will this global need for action translate into result-driven, coherent policy? What are the driving forces for the international community to reach a consensus, and more importantly, what are the main obstacles? And in the absence of an effective global framework, which opportunities for action are there on the national, regional and community level? When top-down approaches fail, to what extent can bottom-up approaches step in?

The Academy will address the state of today’s energy landscape and climate change, and match this to the international policy currently in place to curb it. Special attention is paid to the hopes and stakes of the upcoming international climate negotiations in Paris. We will then move to a regional perspective on climate policy and the energy transition from South America, Africa and the EU. Country studies from the US, China, and the Netherlands will explain how national priorities shape the design and ambition of climate and energy policy. Finally, the legal and policy framework of the German Energiewende will bring the program to its final topic: The decentralisation of energy supply and citizen-driven, low carbon policy-making.

The Summer Academy brings together experienced experts from academia, NGO’s, law firms, policy-making, engineering, economics and many more to foster knowledge exchange between disciplines. The group of participants is usually between 25 and 30, and over the past years, united over 20 different nationalities.

Deadline for submission is the 30th of April. We look forward to receiving your applications!

IKEM’s Summer Academy ‘Energy and the Environment’ has ranked among the top 10 Summer Schools in the field of environment and sustainability!

The Summer Academy ‘Energy and the Environment’ features next to other professional summer schools offered by institutions like the University of Berkeley and the University of Helsinki. The online platform for universities, students, academics and professionals INOMICS article “Top 10 Summer Schools in Environment & Sustainability” is accessible here:


IKEM – Institute for Climate Protection, Energy and Mobility e.V.


IKEM Academy “Energy and Climate”

The IKEM Academy invites researchers and experts from all over the world to exchange ideas on climate change and the energy transition.

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IKEM and EUETH will be hosting a series of side events at this year’s climate negotiations to discuss the energy-climate-defense nexus, the reconstruction of Ukraine’s energy system, and nature-based solutions for climate mitigation.