Launch of the Gender Equality Toolkit

Responding to sexism in an informed and effective way

EQT toolkit

The creative and strategy agency Ellery Studio and the research institute IKEM are advocating for a culture of inclusion and diversity in the workplace with the newly introduced resource collection “EQT: The Gender Equality Toolkit for Working Women and Friends.” This initiative aims to foster a working environment characterized by mutual respect, equal opportunities, and an appreciation for diverse perspectives. EQT is an innovative and interactive educational package designed to help recognize and overcome gender bias and disadvantages in the workplace.

“Sexist remarks and behavior are unfortunately part of everyday working life, and yet they often hit us unexpectedly. When someone makes an inappropriate comment during a meeting, we often don’t have the right words. However, these are precisely the moments when sexism needs to be actively challenged! With the EQT, we are giving users the tools they need to prepare for such situations and respond effectively,” says Anika Nicolaas Ponder, Head of Climate and Innovation Department at IKEM.

“It was important to us to incorporate diverse perspectives into the EQT. That’s why we spoke to women from different fields, including tattoo artists, waitresses, engineers and veterinarians, about sexism in the workplace. These experiences, along with our own, form the basis for the EQT – and serve to highlight discrimination and build on it to develop a common language for equality,” explains Emma Defty, Strategic Designer at Ellery Studio.

The EQT contains a role play on dealing with gender-specific discrimination and prejudice, an information poster on equal rights and emancipation as well as a handbook with extensive know-how and further information. The EQT is published in German and English and can be pre-ordered now in our webshop.

The EQT was co-funded by the Alumni Engagement Innovation Fund of the U.S. State Department.

Further information on EQT can be found on the project website.

You can now pre-order your own EQT from our online store.


IKEM – Institute for Climate Protection, Energy and Mobility e.V.


EQT: Das Gender Equality Toolkit

The Gender Equality Toolkit raises awareness about gender inequality and empowers people to take action against sexism in professional environments.

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IKEM and EUETH will be hosting a series of side events at this year’s climate negotiations to discuss the energy-climate-defense nexus, the reconstruction of Ukraine’s energy system, and nature-based solutions for climate mitigation.