| February 2018

The analysis could be found in the EU-Report.

Dynamic Light – Deliverable D.T4.2.2.


‘Analysis of the political and legal framework and the examples’ analyzes, based on the experience of each project partner, the legal and political aspects of public lighting installation and upgrade. We analyzed the information provided by each one of the partners and elaborated 7 country reports The deliverable consists of one EU-Report and 7 Country reports for each one of the partners (Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, Poland, and Slovenia). We conducted a crosscutting analysis of the country reports to identify common legal challenges as well as provide recommendations for a legally secure implementation of street lighting infrastructure.

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Suggested citation:
Universität Greifswald/IKEM: The analysis could be found in the EU-Report.. Dynamic Light – Deliverable D.T4.2.2. 2018.