| August 2022

Splashing Benefits of Rail Baltica: Connecting Rural Areas of the Baltic States to the European Rail Network

VASAB Summer School, 2023 Greifswald,
Titelbild Splashing Benefits of rail Baltica


The end-presentation of the VASAB Summer School 2022 deals with the topic of more sustainable mobility in rural areas of the Baltic States. The group work focuses on a user-centric approach of finding a solution to connect rural areas to the planned Rail Baltica railway. The presented idea of multimodal stations was honored by a jury and won the award of the Summer School.

Further information

Suggested citation:
Csillak, Katharina; Ruperts, Aksel; Šipkēvica, Tīna; Yahya, Habeeb: Splashing Benefits of Rail Baltica: Connecting Rural Areas of the Baltic States to the European Rail Network. VASAB Summer School, 2023 Greifswald, 2022.