| January 2017

Guideline on finding a suitable financing model for public lighting investment: Deliverable D.T2.3.1 Baseline inventory.

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Cover Guideline on finding a suitable financing model for public lighting investment: Deliverable D.T2.3.1 Baseline inventory.


Upgrading street lighting infrastructure to improve energy efficiency is an investment that reaps rewards in the form of substantial energy savings and reductions in carbon dioxide emissions. It is also highly cost-effective and has a short payback period. In spite of these advantages, the infrastructure in many European countries has not been upgraded. The objective of this assessment is to identify the obstacles to infrastructure improvement in these areas. We survey public and private actors to examine stakeholder knowledge and experience relevant to financing models for energy efficiency upgrades of street lighting. Based on the survey results, we provide recommendations for the next stages of our tasks for the Dynamic Light project.

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Suggested citation:
Novikova, Aleksandra; Stamo, Irina; Stelmakh, Kateryna; Hessling, Matthias: Guideline on finding a suitable financing model for public lighting investment: Deliverable D.T2.3.1 Baseline inventory.. 2017.
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