| June 2024

Legal barriers to the energy modernisation of dwellings occupied by low-income tenants and opportunities to overcome these barriers

Case study of Germany. Series of the Institute for Climate Protection, Energy and Mobility (IKEM). Springer, Wiesbaden.
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ISBN: 978-3-658-44193-7
Cover Legal barriers to the energy modernisation of dwellings occupied by low-income tenants and opportunities to overcome these barriers


This book explores the legal barriers to energy modernisation in Germany’s residential building sector, especially when low-income tenants are involved. It also examines potential solutions to the landlord-tenant dilemma and how they may be applied within the German legal framework. Drawing upon extensive research, comparative case studies, and insights from the Swedish experiences, this book provides a comprehensive analysis of the challenges and opportunities surrounding the decarbonization of dwellings occupied by low-income tenants in Germany.

Further information

Suggested citation:
Karras, Jana: Legal barriers to the energy modernisation of dwellings occupied by low-income tenants and opportunities to overcome these barriers. Case study of Germany. Series of the Institute for Climate Protection, Energy and Mobility (IKEM). Springer, Wiesbaden. 2024.
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IKEM and EUETH will be hosting a series of side events at this year’s climate negotiations to discuss the energy-climate-defense nexus, the reconstruction of Ukraine’s energy system, and nature-based solutions for climate mitigation.