| September 2022

Business Models for a Multimodal Traffic Management Ecosystem (MTME).

Business model development based on “Business Model Canvas” and “Value Network” methodology. Abschlussarbeit im MBA Sustainable Mobility Management, TU Berlin.


Traffic management focuses on ensuring safety, security, and efficiency across different modes of transport. Each mode of transport focuses on managing the traffic within their respective mode of transport. A Multimodal Traffic Management (MTM) approach will broaden scope and allow synchronised traffic management across different modes of transport such as road, rail, air, and sea. However, MTM is still at an early stage and needs to be analysed to have seamless integration within the existing transport ecosystem.

This study establishes a common understanding of multimodal traffic management concepts and solutions, within and across different modes of transport, for various stakeholders and multiple contexts. Under the context of this study, stakeholders are comprised of partners focussing on road, rail, sea, and air transport. This study supports in creating a balanced and resilient multimodal traffic management ecosystem by bridging gaps caused due to barriers and laying out benefits to individual actors. This study focuses on developing business models for both public and private actors, which could be combined through Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) to come up with a futuristic business model. The business models are developed in such a way that both private and public actors can adopt them in a seamless way, without causing critical damage to their daily operations. The business models are developed combining different methodologies such as “Business Model Canvas (BMC)”, “Value Network (VN)”. BMC helps in understanding a business from economic viewpoint and VN helps in assessing social and ecological benefits. When combined these two approaches we can have a business model that focuses on economic, social, and environmental benefit.

This study is developed within the framework of EU funded Horizon 2020 research and innovation project called “Orchestra”. The business models developed and discussed in this study are continuously evaluated by the project partners and is an ongoing process to achieve optimal business models for MTM.

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ORCHESTRA synchronises different modes of transport to develop a modern transport management system.

Further information

Suggested citation:
Gupte, Divy: Business Models for a Multimodal Traffic Management Ecosystem (MTME).. Business model development based on “Business Model Canvas” and “Value Network” methodology. Abschlussarbeit im MBA Sustainable Mobility Management, TU Berlin. 2022.
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