| April 2019

European Legal Implementation Roadmap

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Cover European Legal Implementation Roadmap


The upcoming years are crucial to the development of automated driving in Europe. The technology has ­great potential to serve the public interest by improving the environmental sustainability of traffic and making transit safer and more enjoyable for everyone. At the same time, there is a risk that everyone will use his or her own private automated car, increasing the number of motorised vehicles on the road. The SOHJOA Baltic project researches, promotes, and pilots the use of driverless, electric minibuses in public transport to secure the benefits of automated driving for society as a whole. This European Legal Implementation Roadmap outlines the current legal status of automated driving in different European countries of the Baltic Sea Region and provides policy recommendations to establish a sound legal basis for its implementation as part of the public transport system.

Related projects

Sohjoa Baltic

IKEM is investigating the framework conditions for the approval and operation of driverless electric minibuses as part of public transport

Further information

Suggested citation:
Ainsalu, Jaagup; Bellone, Mauro; Ellner, Maximilian; Hartwig, Matthias; Hingst, Jana; Jälkö, Reijo; Josefson, Ebba; Lazdins, Einars; Lee, Bob; Leimanis, Anrī; Madland, Olav; Madžulis, Raitis; Schønfeldt, Boris; Schulz, Mathias; Pilli-Sihvola, Eetu; Soe, Ralf-Martin; Stivriņa, Arina; Strandby, Malthe Broni; Tammiksaar, Urmas: European Legal Implementation Roadmap. 2019.
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IKEM and EUETH will be hosting a series of side events at this year’s climate negotiations to discuss the energy-climate-defense nexus, the reconstruction of Ukraine’s energy system, and nature-based solutions for climate mitigation.