| January 2010

The Paradigm Shift towards Energy Sustainability: Climate Change, Innovation and the Optimal Instrument Mix

IKEM-Schriftenreihe. Lexxion.
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ISBN: 978-3-86965-135-4
Cover The Paradigm Shift towards Energy Sustainability: Climate Change


Related projects


Prof Dr Michael Rodi

Prof Dr Michael Rodi

Executive and Scientific Director

+49 30 408 1870-10

Further information

Suggested citation:
Rodi, Michael: The Paradigm Shift towards Energy Sustainability: Climate Change, Innovation and the Optimal Instrument Mix. IKEM-Schriftenreihe. Lexxion. 2010.
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IKEM and EUETH will be hosting a series of side events at this year’s climate negotiations to discuss the energy-climate-defense nexus, the reconstruction of Ukraine’s energy system, and nature-based solutions for climate mitigation.