Legal analysis in the WindNODE project

IKEM presents models for the future promotion of renewable energy plants


IKEM – Institute for Climate Protection, Energy and Mobility has analyzed deliberations on reform for the EEG support mechanism and presented two concrete models for financing renewable energy plants, outside the existing EEG support. The study was conducted as part of the SINTEG Funding Programme “WindNODE”, funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi).

The financing of renewable energies is in need of reform. For one thing, the 20 years of EEG subsidies have created a financial backpack worth billions of euros. Its financing, which currently takes place via the expensive ‘EEG-Umlage’, should be reconsidered. Apart from that, more and more old plants will fall out of support, which raises the question of other financing options.

IKEM’s legal opinion on the future financing of renewable energies has therefore analyzed reform proposals to expand EEG financing, such as adjusting tax rates, increasing industry participation, or using funds from CO2 pricing. The authors highlight specific legal problems that may arise when implementing the different proposals.

Finally, the analysis presents two concrete models for financing outside the existing EEG support: On the one hand the so-called plant coupling, which virtually combines renewable energy plants with electricity conversion plants into a single one, and on the other hand the market development model, in which the green characteristic of electricity is passed on to the final consumers, offering benefits for both producers and consumers.

You can download the entire study here: hier

Entire study: Link

WindNODE project website: Link


IKEM – Institute for Climate Protection, Energy and Mobility e.V.


Cover Zukünftige Finanzierung von Erneuerbaren Energien: Rechtliche Analyse von Reformüberlegungen für den EEG-Fördermechanismus und Ausblick auf eine Finanzierung Erneuerbarer Energien jenseits der EEG-Förderung
Metz, Jonathan; Doderer, Hannes; Harsch, Victoria; Schäfer-Stradowsky, Simon

Zukünftige Finanzierung von Erneuerbaren Energien: Rechtliche Analyse von Reformüberlegungen für den EEG-Fördermechanismus und Ausblick auf eine Finanzierung Erneuerbarer Energien jenseits der EEG-Förderung

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