Tendering obligations for wind energy

In a study for the German Wind Energy Association, IKEM examined whether the expansion of renewables is also possible independently of tenders.



Germany wants to increase the share of renewable energies in gross electricity consumption to 65 percent in 2030 and is therefore promoting, among other things, the expansion of wind energy on land. The funding is awarded by invitation to tender, whereby only projects can take part that can present a site-specific immission control permit. Increasing bottlenecks in the available locations for wind turbines carry the risk that the expansion of renewables will not progress as planned and that Germany will not achieve its climate protection goals.

On behalf of the German Wind Energy Association (BWE), IKEM carried out a study on the obstacles in the current funding system. IKEM checked whether a deviation from the tendering system is compatible with European legal requirements if the climate protection goals cannot be achieved with tenders. The question of whether, under the current state of EU law, funding outside of the existing tendering procedure was also addressed.


IKEM – Institute for Climate Protection, Energy and Mobility e.V.

Brief report on alternatives to tenders for the promotion of wind energy in the light of the UEBLL

Principal: Bundesverband Windenergie

Duration: 03/2021–04/2021

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