SLED – building sector

Scenarios for the low-emission renovation of the building sector in the Balkans


Albania, North Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia are contracting members of the Energy Community agreed with the European Union. They are therefore obliged to implement EU regulations on energy efficiency and to formulate energy efficiency targets. These steps require ambitious political measures and investments in demand-side energy efficiency, especially when it comes to energy demand in the building sector.

As part of the Austrian Development Agency’s “Support for Sustainable Development in Southeastern Europe” (SLED) program, IKEM modeled economic and political scenarios for the low-emission renovation of the building sector in the Balkans.


Support for low-emission development in the Western Balkans: Modeling of energy efficiency scenarios in the building sector

Principal: Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe , Austrian Development Agency

Funding programme: Support for Low Emission Development in South-East Europe

Duration: 06/2013–06/2013