Together with its business and scientific partners, IKEM is developing concepts for the sustainable conversion of energy supply in urban quarters.



In QUARREE100, IKEM is working on the development of pioneering energy technologies and the sustainable transformation of a neighborhood’s energy supply in the city of Heide (Schleswig-Holstein). The project aims to implement an efficient electricity, heat and fuel supply in the Rüsdorfer Kamp district. The goal is to make the best use of renewable energy sources, focusing on the use of those portions of wind energy that would be lost due to grid bottlenecks and a lack of flexibility in the system.

IKEM is developing recommendations for action to restructure the legal and regulatory framework for the realization of innovative energy concepts and interconnected systems. As part of the work package “ICT, Control Mechanisms, Business Models and Coupling of Sectors”, IKEM will also be involved in the development of business models.


Cover des QUARREE100 Ergebnispapiers Regulatorik
Hoffmann, Ilka; Eschweiler, Jana; Buchmüller, Christian; Wilms, Susan

QUARREE100 – Erkenntnisse und regulatorische Handlungsoptionen für die strombasierte Wärmeversorgung von Bestandsquartieren

Ergebnispapier in Zusammenarbeit des IKEM und der FH Westküste.
Cover der QUARREE100-Essaysammlung

QUARREE100-Essay – Ein Resümee-Papier der Projektpartner

Cover von Innovations and challenges of the energy transition in smart city districts
Schäfer, Judith; Hoffmann, Ilka; Buchmüller, Christian

Integration of Heat Consumers into Green Heating Networks – Municipal Control Instruments

In: Leonhardt, Sven et al. [Hrsg.]: Innovations and challenges of the energy transition in smart city districts. De Gruyter.


Resiliente, integrierte und systemdienliche Energieversorgungssysteme im städtischen Bestandsquartier unter vollständiger Integration erneuerbarer Energien (QUARREE100) – Reallabor Rüsdorfer Kamp

Principal: Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action

Project partner: Entwicklungsagentur Region Heide, Fraunhofer-Institut für Fertigungstechnik und Angewandte Materialforschung, Jacobs University Bremen, Stadt Heide, Stadtwerke Heide, Steinbeis Innovationsgesellschaft energie+, Technische Hochschule Regensburg – Forschungsstelle für Energienetze und Energiespeicher, Universität Bremen, Zentrum für Sonnenenergie- und Wasserstoff-Forschung Baden-Württemberg

Duration: 04/2018–09/2022

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IKEM and EUETH will be hosting a series of side events at this year’s climate negotiations to discuss the energy-climate-defense nexus, the reconstruction of Ukraine’s energy system, and nature-based solutions for climate mitigation.