ORCHESTRA synchronises different modes of transport to develop a modern transport management system.

Zwei Züge auf Eisenbahnschienen


The project ORCHESTRA is simplifying the usage and coordination of public transit. To achieve this goal, the project will design multimodal traffic management concepts that can be used in urban and rural areas. The theoretical findings will be tested in two pilot sites in Italy and Norway. Local stakeholders such as the ministry of transportations, politicians and inhabitants will be involved in the process.

IKEM will work on judicial and economic questions. We are focussing on analysing national and european legal frameworks and developing adaptation suggestions. Furthermore, IKEM is working on data protection and researching potential business models for the traffic management concepts.

Current issues

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Grosse, Benjamin et al.

Pre-studies on environment analysis and drivers

ORCHESTRA Project Deliverable: D2.2.
Freiberger, Anne; Priebe, Anna-Lena; Hübers, Anna-Katharina;

Ethics, security, and gender balance plan

ORCHESTRA Project Deliverable: D1.3.
Freiberger, Anne; Hübers, Anna-Katharina; Gupte, Divy

Data Management Plan

ORCHESTRA Project Deliverable: D1.2.


ORCHESTRA – Coordinating and synchronising multimodal transport improving road, rail, water and air transport through increased automation and user involvement

Principal: European Commission

Funding programme: Horizon 2020

Project partner: Applied Autonomy , Cerema , CertX , Deep Blue , ENAV , FSTechnology , Herøya Industripark , HES-SO , Information Sharing Company , IOTA Stiftung , ITS Norway , ROSAS Institut , S.E.A. , SINTEF , Statens Vesvegen , Technische Universität Delft

Duration: 05/2021–05/2024

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IKEM and EUETH will be hosting a series of side events at this year’s climate negotiations to discuss the energy-climate-defense nexus, the reconstruction of Ukraine’s energy system, and nature-based solutions for climate mitigation.