New business models for electromobility

The expansion of electromobility offers numerous industrial and environmental opportunities. In order for electromobility to gain acceptance, sustainable economic concepts are required.


Both the very low market penetration of electric cars to date and short to medium-term cost estimates for the implementation of electromobility allow the conclusion that the automotive and infrastructure industries have yet to develop viable business models for electromobility in road traffic.

At the same time, electromobility offers opportunities for the policy fields environment, transport and industry, which speaks in favor of a political acceleration of significant market penetration. Due to changed performance data, areas of application and functionalities of electric road vehicles, this would go hand in hand with transformed value creation architectures, risks for old and opportunities for new business models.

Together with Siemens AG, IKEM researched new business models for electromobility. The main research focus is the current incoherence of technical possibilities, legal framework conditions, demand for electromobility and its infrastructural requirements as well as business models. The focus of the study was therefore on business model innovations in the areas of mobility services, energy and transport infrastructure.


New business models for electromobility

Principal: Siemens

Project partner: Siemens , Siemens Mobility

Duration: 11/2010–10/2013