Peatland revitalization as an adaptation strategy for the City of Greifswald



Greifswald and Vorpommern, with their coastal location, will be affected by climate change on the one hand by increased summer dry periods and on the other hand by floods. In the district of Vorpommern-Greifswald there are 82,350 hectares of fenland, which are drained for use (and emit 17-38 tonnes of CO2 per hectare and year), which is about 30% of the agricultural area. The drainage system drains existing water from the landscape, especially in winter and spring, and thus intensifies the effects of dry events in summer.

The aim of the project is to reduce agricultural and urban vulnerability by rewetting drained peatlands and converting them to site-adapted use. Within the project, urban-rural relationships for the production of biomass in paludiculture and its utilisation (energetically: heat; materially: e.g. insulating materials) are to be established and strengthened. This will involve all stakeholders with influence on the use of peatlands and biomass exploitation.

For MORGEN, IKEM is preparing a legal study on current obstacles and options for further development in regulatory and planning law with regard to the implementation of climate adaptation and climate protection measures. The focus of the study lies in particular on the legal consideration of the interactions between private lease contract constellations and public planning law.


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Legal study on current obstacles and options for further development in regulatory and planning law with regard to the implementation of climate adaptation and climate protection measures

Principal: Michael-Succow Stiftung

Project partner: Greifswald Moor Zentrum

Duration: 08/2018–05/2019

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IKEM and EUETH will be hosting a series of side events at this year’s climate negotiations to discuss the energy-climate-defense nexus, the reconstruction of Ukraine’s energy system, and nature-based solutions for climate mitigation.