IKEM is investigating how airports can produce climate-friendly fuels as an alternative to fossil kerosene.



In the ITEAL project, the airfields in Straußberg and Schönhagen serve as examples to investigate how aviation can be supplied with decentrally produced, environmentally and climate-friendly fuel. Both airfields are planning to install photovoltaic systems on their premises, the electricity from which could be used to produce synthetic kerosene on site.

A feasibility study examined the technical, economic and regulatory framework conditions for this. IKEM coordinated the legal aspects of the project and addressed the legal requirements for local electricity and hydrogen production as well as sector coupling. In addition, IKEM analyzed possible incentive and support mechanisms for hydrogen and power-to-liquid projects.


The feasibility study was published in March 2022. It shows that decentralized production of hydrogen and power-to-liquid fuels at the two sites is feasible with technologies available today and that significant reductions in CO2 emissions and other pollutants in aviation can be achieved.


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IKEM – Institute for Climate Protection, Energy and Mobility e.V.

ITEAL – Innovative Treibstoffe für emissionsarmen Luftverkehr

Principal: Berlin-Brandenburg Aerospace Allianz

Funding programme: Europäischer Fonds für Regionale Entwicklungen (EFRE) aus Mitteln des Landes Brandenburg und der Europäischen Union

Project partner: aviasim, Aviation Fuel Projects Consulting, Comworx, European Aviation Security Center , Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg, Flugplatz Schönhagen, Flugplatz Straußberg, PtX Solutions

Duration: 10/2021–01/2022

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IKEM and EUETH will be hosting a series of side events at this year’s climate negotiations to discuss the energy-climate-defense nexus, the reconstruction of Ukraine’s energy system, and nature-based solutions for climate mitigation.