Interplan SES

In Interplan SES, IKEM is developing strategies to reduce uncertainties in the planning of energy infrastructures.

Power pole from below


In order to achieve a climate-neutral energy system, it will be necessary to make considerable investments in renewable energies, flexibility and storage technologies as well as energy infrastructures. The changing demands on planning, particularly in the area of energy infrastructures, require a robust and resilient approach. The German government is therefore planning to develop a system development strategy (“Systementwicklungsstrategie” – SES) to improve coordination between different infrastructures and address uncertainties in planning.

Against this background, the project will carry out a comprehensive analysis of planning uncertainties in the energy sector, taking into account various possible scenarios for the development of the energy system. Based on this analysis, the researchers will develop strategies for overcoming uncertainties and will make recommendations for the design of the SES. As part of the project, IKEM is examining the legal framework for implementing the strategies.

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IKEM and EUETH will be hosting a series of side events at this year’s climate negotiations to discuss the energy-climate-defense nexus, the reconstruction of Ukraine’s energy system, and nature-based solutions for climate mitigation.