The HEAT project examines how fully automated or autonomous driving can be successfully integrated into road traffic as an overall system.

HEAT Fahrzeug in der Hafencity


The HEAT (Hamburg Electric Autonomous Transportation) project will make autonomous driving with locally emission-free shuttle buses visible and tangible in a first test area in Hamburg’s HafenCity. The aim is to demonstrate that fully automated or autonomous driving can be successfully integrated into road traffic as a complete system on level 4, i.e. without a driver. The aim is to develop, prepare, test and use electric, autonomously driving vehicles and systems for use in normal road traffic.

The right legal framework for this is currently still lacking. IKEM will therefore take on the derivation and implementation of suitable legal framework requirements on site, which are of great importance for the success of the project in addition to the clarification and testing of the essential technical and functional content. IKEM also takes the lead in work package 2 and will investigate the question of which operator and business models can be developed from this new mobility offer.


In 2019, HEAT started on a test track with no passengers at a speed of 15 km / h. Passengers are currently on board, the minibus travels up to 25 km / h and stops at fixed stops. The final test should then follow in 2021 on an extended test route of 1.8 km.


Cover Autonomes Fahren und das Projekt HEAT
Hartwig, Matthias

Autonomes Fahren und das Projekt HEAT

Redaktionell überarbeitetes und gekürztes Experteninterview mit Lennart Losekamm.


Hamburg Electric Autonomous Transportation

Principal: Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety

Funding programme: Erneuerbar mobil

Project partner: Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg, Hochbahn, hy solutions, IAV, Siemens Mobility

Duration: 01/2018–12/2021

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IKEM and EUETH will be hosting a series of side events at this year’s climate negotiations to discuss the energy-climate-defense nexus, the reconstruction of Ukraine’s energy system, and nature-based solutions for climate mitigation.