Green Climate Fund

The IKEM helps various national governments and authorities with preparatory measures for activities in the context of the Green Climate Fund.



The Green Climate Fund (GCF) is the financing mechanism of the UNFCCC and one of the main climate finance sources for developing countries. GCF has a strong focus on supporting those countries which are the most vulnerable to climate change and in need for finance. The Fund has already committed $2.2 billion for climate change projects.

In the GFC, the implementing states are to play a pioneering role in decisions about funding priorities and individual projects. For this purpose, countries should nominate a National Designated Authority (NDA) which serves as the main focal point and authority regarding all GCF activities. Countries should also set up country coordination mechanism and ‘no-objection’ procedure, and establish a strategic framework for the engagement with GCF.

IKEM works on multiple GCF readiness activities in Thailand, Timor-Leste and Georgia. We provide technical expertise and support strengthening of the NDAs – starting from designing the structure of the NDA team, enhancing their understanding of GCF and NDA tasks, designing options for no-objection procedure, and finishing with development of all needed guidelines, tools and communication materials. We also provide guidance and technical support for development of country programmes. They serve as a strategic framework for the use of GCF financing and are based on the existing climate change policies and inclusive multi-stakeholder consultation process.


GCF and climate finance readiness in Thailand, Timor-Leste and Georgia

Principal: United Nations Development Programme, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit

Duration: 08/2017–04/2018

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IKEM and EUETH will be hosting a series of side events at this year’s climate negotiations to discuss the energy-climate-defense nexus, the reconstruction of Ukraine’s energy system, and nature-based solutions for climate mitigation.