Green City Plan Hildesheim

IKEM contributed to the creation of the Green City Plan Hildesheim with research on multimodal mobility networks.


The IKEM was involved in the preparation of the Green City Plan Hildesheim as part of an interdisciplinary consortium. The Green City Plan serves to prepare measures for the reduction of NOx emissions in the urban area of Hildesheim. It outlines individual measures and allows for a comparison of their efficiency (cost-benefit ratio) in terms of nitrogen emission reduction. For this purpose, the measures were planned and conceptually prepared so that their concrete implementation can begin immediately after completion of the concept. In this context, technical, economic and legal preparatory work was carried out by the members of the consortium. An essential part of the project is an analysis of the existing, current and planned measures of local actors as well as their integration into a comprehensive and coherent package for air pollution control.

IKEM’s role in the project Within the project consortium, IKEM was in charge of developing the proposals for the “Multimodal Mobility Network”. This includes measures to strengthen multimodality in passenger transport and in addition to public transport. Among other things, the potential of a mobility ticket, a mobility centre and mobility stations in public road spaces was examined. IKEM also advised on questions concerning charging infrastructure for electric vehicles and residential concepts for emission-free mobility.


Preparation of the Green City Plan Hildesheim

Principal: Stadt Hildesheim

Funding programme: Nachhaltige Mobilität für die Stadt

Project partner: Becker Büttner Held , eM-PRO, LogisticNetwork Consultants, SHP Ingenieure

Duration: 03/2018–08/2018