Financial participation of municipalities

Local acceptance for wind energy projects could benefit from the financial participation of the affected municipalities – IKEM analyzed several options for the implementation of this instrument



The expansion of wind energy in Germany is a key element of the energy transition. However, problems with acceptance and approval procedures as well as the introduction of tenders have led to a sharp decline in the expansion of wind turbines. In order to boost wind energy in Germany, we need to improve approval procedures and, above all, develop new strategies to ensure local acceptance of onshore wind energy.

One possible approach is the financial participation of the affected municipalities, which would thereby benefit from the added value created by the turbines on their territory. On behalf of Agora Energiewende, IKEM analyzed how such a financial participation could be designed economically and legally.


The project results were published in early 2018 as part of a study by Agora Energiewende. The comprehensive legal and economic examination showed that of all the options, the direct financial participation of municipalities in the construction of wind turbines by means of a newly introduced special levy appears to be the most suitable. The special levy can be regulated nationwide in the Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG). Its volume is calculated on the basis of the height, the output and the electricity yields of the respective plant.


Cover Ausgestaltungsoptionen und -empfehlungen zur finanziellen Beteiligung von Kommunen beim Ausbau von Windenergieanlagen an Land
Rodi, Michael; Schäfer-Stradowsky, Simon; Timmermann, Daniel; Altrock, Martin; Ott, Ralf; Hoffrichter, Albert; Beckers, Thorsten

Ausgestaltungsoptionen und -empfehlungen zur finanziellen Beteiligung von Kommunen beim Ausbau von Windenergieanlagen an Land

IKEM, Kanzlei Becker Büttner Held, TU Berlin Fachgebiet Wirtschafts- und Infrastrukturpolitik (WIP). In: Agora Energiewende [Hrsg.]: Wie weiter mit dem Ausbau der Windenergie? Zwei Strategievorschläge zur Sicherung der Standortakzeptanz von Onshore Windenergie, 27-94.


Kurzstudie – Ausgestaltungsoptionen zur finanziellen Beteiligung von Kommunen beim Ausbau von Windenergieanlagen an Land

Principal: Agora Energiewende

Duration: 05/2017–07/2017

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IKEM and EUETH will be hosting a series of side events at this year’s climate negotiations to discuss the energy-climate-defense nexus, the reconstruction of Ukraine’s energy system, and nature-based solutions for climate mitigation.