Energy agency Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania

The IKEM advises the federal state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern on the establishment of an energy and climate protection agency.



Energy agencies provide companies, municipalities and private individuals with information and advice on energy saving potentials and the use of renewable energies. These institutions already exist in most federal states and are associated with positive effects for the regional and municipal implementation of energy transition projects.

In a report for the state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, IKEM analyzes which legal form, structure and location is most suitable for a local energy agency. The evaluation of different alternatives is based on legal, financial and organizational aspects as well as considering experiences from selected energy agencies of other federal states.


With the study handed over at the beginning of 2014, IKEM laid the foundations for the establishment of the Landesenergie- und Klimaschutzagentur Mecklenburg-Vorpommern GmbH (LEKA-MV). LEKA-MV was opened in Stralsund in August 2016.


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IKEM and EUETH will be hosting a series of side events at this year’s climate negotiations to discuss the energy-climate-defense nexus, the reconstruction of Ukraine’s energy system, and nature-based solutions for climate mitigation.