
IKEM contributes to the EKEleVate project by analyzing the legal framework for airborne wind turbines and developing acceptance strategies for this technology.

Pilot project for long-term operation of airborne wind turbines


Airborne wind turbines use high-altitude winds to generate energy by using a type of flying kite or wing that is propelled by the strong and steady wind force at higher altitudes. This technology offers the potential to use wind energy more efficiently, contributing to the energy transition. EKEleVate aims to improve the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of airborne wind turbines by installing and testing a complete grid-connected system with an output of 500 to 2,000 kW in Ketzin. In addition to technical aspects, the project will also examine local acceptance and legal issues. IKEM contributes to the project with an analysis of the legal and economic framework for airborne wind turbines with a focus on approval procedures and the integration of these systems into the existing structures of the energy system. In addition, IKEM will develop an acceptance strategy with target group-specific recommendations for future airborne wind projects.


EKEleVate – Erforschung und Konzeption von EnerKíte-Gesamtanlagen bis zur vorkommerziellen Reife und Systemintegration mittels datengesteuerter und automatisierter Prozesse

Principal: Federal Ministry of Education and Research

Project partner: Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, EMD Deutschland , EnerKíte , Technische Universität Berlin

Duration: 07/2024–06/2027