Dynamic Light

Dynamic lighting is intended to improve the energy efficiency of public lighting. IKEM develops financing models and examines the legal framework for dynamic lighting systems.



Public lighting causes around 6% of global CO2 emissions. This is precisely why there is a need to convert conventional lighting to more energy-efficient models. However, local authorities often lack a comprehensive strategic approach to this process. Innovative concepts such as dynamic lighting control based on current conditions and requirements face additional challenges – a lack of legal framework and higher initial costs compared to standard LED lights. This is why communities are reluctant to invest in dynamic lighting systems.

In the Dynamic Light project, IKEM develops financing models and examines the legal framework for dynamic lighting systems.


On the basis of its research, the IKEM has developed best practice guidelines and publications (see list of publications below) and organized a series of information events and conferences.

Event Downloads
29. – 30. November 2018 Transnational training in the Czech Republic Pilsen, Czech Republic
5.-6. November 2018 Transnational training in Germany Berlin, Germany
23.-24. Oktober 2018 Transnational training in Italy Cesena, Italy
25.-27. Juni 2018 International Energy Policy and Program Evaluation Conference (IEPPEC) Vienna, Austria Further information

Presentation: financing models

21.-22. März 2018 The 10th international conference on Improving Energy Efficiency in Commercial Buildings and Smart Communities (IEECB&SC’18) Frankfurt am Main, Germany Further information

Presentation: Financing models

15. März 2018 IKEM annual conference “Climate finance in Germany – How do we finance the energy transition and the climate protection targets for 2050?” Berlin, Germany Further information

Presentation: Experience report from Germany

28. Februar 2018 Dynamic Light in Public Spaces: Ecology, Economie, Social Needs Brussels
29. Mai-2. Juni 2017 Summer study by the European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ECEEE) Beleambra Les Criques, Toulon / Hyères, France Enlargement contribution

Presentation: Finance I

Presentation: Finance II

20.-23. Februar 2017 Master train-the-trainer workshop for the financing of energy efficiency in public buildings Krakow, Poland Together Project


Finance training


Mercado et al.

How to procure dynamic lighting projects – a practical guideline: Strategy to facilitate the integration of dynamic lighting from a legal perspective

Dynamic Light – Deliverable D.T4.2.3.
Novikova, Aleksandra; Hessling, Matthias; Stelmakh, Kateryna

Financing models for dynamic, intelligent, and energy efficient urban street lighting

Proceedings of the ECEEE Summer Study 2017


Dynamic Light - Dynamic, intelligent and energy-efficient street lighting

Principal: Interreg Central Europe

Project partner: Comune di Cesena , Deutsche Lichttechnische Gesellschaft , Fondazione Bruno Kessler , Hochschule Wismar, Instytut Górnictwa Odkrywkowego, Medimurje Energy Agency, Poltegor-Instytut, Porsenna , Poslovno Podporni Center, Spath MicroElectronicDesign, Swarco , TEA SpA

Duration: 01/2015–12/2019

Logo Interreg Central Europe
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IKEM and EUETH will be hosting a series of side events at this year’s climate negotiations to discuss the energy-climate-defense nexus, the reconstruction of Ukraine’s energy system, and nature-based solutions for climate mitigation.