Climate neutral industry

Instruments for decarbonising the basic industries – steel, chemicals and cement




The decarbonization of basic industries is one of the major challenges of the energy transition. The 2019 study “Climate Neutral Industry”, prepared by Agora Energiewende and the Wuppertal Institute with the participation of IKEM, is dedicated to this issue.

The policy options to promote low CO2 and CO2-neutral industrial processes for steel, chemicals and cement, presented in the study, were examined by IKEM with regard to their compatibility with national, European and international law. The brief legal assessment deals with the instruments CO 2 -minimum price with border adjustment regime, Carbon Contract for Difference (CfD), green financing instruments, climate surcharge on end products, CO 2 -price on end products, sustainable public procurement, quota for CO 2 -low materials, quota for green hydrogen, changes in construction and product norms and standards for recyclable products.



IKEM – Institute for Climate Protection, Energy and Mobility e.V.

Brief legal assessment of policy instruments for decarbonisation technologies in industry

Principal: Agora Energiewende

Project partner: Becker Büttner Held

Duration: 11/2018–10/2019