CCS Berlin

The IKEM is investigating how electromobility can succeed in long-distance transport with combined DC/AC fast-charging stations.



Currently, the storage capacities of electric cars allow only limited ranges. In order to enable electromobility also in long-distance traffic, innovative possibilities for energy supply are needed. A concept for individual transport includes the installation of electric charging stations on federal highways. The project focused on the development and demonstration of Combined Charging Systems (CCS) for nationwide operation on the German highway network.

IKEM provided legal research in the form of a study on the legal framework for the construction and operation of fast charging stations on freeways in terms of highway, road traffic and energy law. Special consideration was given to the convoluted contractual relationships on secondary operations between road authorities, concession holders, petroleum companies, lessees and other parties involved. Based on the findings of the economic project partners, the IKEM experts then assessed the various approaches to tariff design and incentive and support systems for the construction and operation of fast charging stations and proposed necessary adjustments to the legal and policy framework on this basis.


CCS Berlin: E3 – Combined Charging System: Entwicklung und Demonstration von Schnellladestationen

Principal: Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action

Project partner: Technische Universität Berlin

Duration: 01/2013–12/2015

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IKEM and EUETH will be hosting a series of side events at this year’s climate negotiations to discuss the energy-climate-defense nexus, the reconstruction of Ukraine’s energy system, and nature-based solutions for climate mitigation.