Green Baltic Cruising

IKEM examines how ammonia can be established as a fuel for ferries and cruise ships in the Baltic Sea region.

Cruising ship


Ammonia is an energy carrier with great potential for the use in inland and maritime shipping – a sector that so far has made little progress towards decarbonisation. The aim of the CAMPFIRE research project is to develop new processes for the decentralised production of ammonia based on renewable energies and to establish ammonia as a maritime fuel.

The sub-project GreenBalticCruising examines the potential of ammonia in the context of ferry lines and cruise ships in the Baltic Sea region. It aims to develop recommendations for a legal framework that enables the commercial use of ammonia as a fuel. IKEM analyses the current legal framework for the use of ammonia and the climate governance of selected Baltic Sea countries. The researchers examine how the use of sustainable fuels could open up new business models for the North-East region, for example in tourism.

Current issues

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GreenBalticCruising: Examining climate governance and political stakeholders of the Baltic Sea countries and identifying a legal approach for establishing ammonia as a maritime fuel in the Baltic Sea region.

Principal: Federal Ministry of Education and Research

Funding programme: WIR! – Wandel durch Innovationen in der Region

Project partner: Carnival Maritime, DNV GL, Fraunhofer-Institut für Silicatforschung, Leibniz Institut für Plasmaforschung und Technologie, Rostock Port, Weiße Flotte, Zentrum für Brennstoffzellentechnik

Duration: 12/2021–11/2023

Subproject of: CAMPFIRE

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IKEM and EUETH will be hosting a series of side events at this year’s climate negotiations to discuss the energy-climate-defense nexus, the reconstruction of Ukraine’s energy system, and nature-based solutions for climate mitigation.