In Campfire, IKEM is researching the production of fuels from wind and water for the energy and mobility transition in the north-east region

Cruise ship


Ammonia is an excellent energy storage medium with great potential for use in inland and maritime shipping – a sector with little progress in decarbonization. The aim of the regional research project CAMPFIRE is to develop new processes for the decentralized production of ammonia (NH3) from locally generated wind or solar power. Ceramic thin-film membranes, which promise high efficiency and service life, are an elementary component of the process. This makes the production processes economically feasible for the first time. Parallel to the technical development, the interdisciplinary research network carries out accompanying studies on the sustainable production of ammonia and its use as an energy source for emission-free shipping. IKEM is responsible for examining the legal and political framework.

Current issues

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Schäfer, Judith et al.

Ammonia as a fuel for the shipping sector

Legal study on the onshore framework of ammonia-based shipping. Study conducted as part of the CAMPFIRE project.
Pfeifer, Friederike; Freiberger, Anne

Rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen für die maritime Elektromobilität im Bootssektor

ELMAR Marinaforum, 27. April 2021.
Schäfer, Judith; Schäfer-Stradowsky, Simon; Lerm, Verena; Nill, Dennis; Wedell, Philine

CAMPFIRE – Screening of the legal, political and economic framework conditions


CAMPFIRE: Wind und Wasser zu Ammoniak – maritimer Kraftstoff und Energiespeicher für eine emissionsfreie Zukunft

Principal: Federal Ministry of Education and Research

Funding programme: WIR! – Wandel durch Innovationen in der Region

Project partner: Hochschule Stralsund – Institut für Regenerative Energie Systeme, Leibniz Institut für Plasmaforschung und Technologie

Duration: 04/2019–12/2025

Join us at
IKEM and EUETH will be hosting a series of side events at this year’s climate negotiations to discuss the energy-climate-defense nexus, the reconstruction of Ukraine’s energy system, and nature-based solutions for climate mitigation.