Battery storage in integrated energy and consumption systems

In an study, IKEM examined the impact of customer installations with renewable energies on electricity price components.

3d rendering amount of energy storage systems or battery container units with solar and turbine farm; iStock/PhonlamaiPhoto


By means of customer plants, end consumers can be supplied with energy locally and away from the regulated grid under the conditions of §§ 3 No. 24a and 25b EnWG. The operation of such plants is privileged by energy law, which is why they can represent an economically interesting design option in the context of the energy transition.

For a brief legal opinion, IKEM investigated how the privileged operation of integrated renewable energy plants and battery storage systems affects the state-induced electricity price components – charges, taxes, and surcharges. The analysis focused on the prerequisites and legal consequences of a customer installation (for company self-supply).


IKEM – Institute for Climate Protection, Energy and Mobility e.V.

Brief report "Battery storage in integrated energy and consumption systems - charges, taxes and levies".

Principal: SK Verbundenergie AG

Duration: 01/2023–02/2023

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