Overhead line trucks are a building block for the electrification of heavy goods traffic. IKEM develops ideas for a suitable legal framework.



The advancing climate change highlights the need for a timely decarbonization in all sectors of the economy. Both national and European politicians recognized this process and aim to find solutions by setting stricter climate targets for 2030 and 2050. However, emissions from the transport sector have stagnated in recent decades, especially in Germany. In this context, a decarbonization solution, particularly for the high-emission heavy-duty transport sector, can be seen as goal-oriented. The catenary-truck represents such a solution and is being researched as part of the AMELIE project.

However, what does it take to successfully implement catenary trucks? Who is responsible for issuing electricity bills? And what happens if the electricity bill is not paid? The AMELIE research project deals with all these questions and aims to create a suitable framework for an overhead line infrastructure for catenary trucks. The framework should take into account technical, logistical and legal perspectives. The exchange of technical and legal information as well as the identification of process actors and their integration is of particular importance. In the end, concrete recommendations for action are to be given in order to integrate the overhead line infrastructure into the existing infrastructure and to create a uniform legal framework. The development of a European legal framework plays a particularly important role for standardised regulation.

The IKEM deals with all relevant legal issues concerning the integration of catenary trucks and overhead line infrastructure into the existing transport system. This includes, among other things, the development of suitable planning approval procedures and the assessment of various financing options for the construction and operation of the infrastructure. In close exchange with the project and practice partner Siemens, a legal framework is to be developed.


Cover Regulierung für Elektrische Straßensysteme (ERS) – Handlungsempfehlungen
Hartwig, Matthias

Regulierung für Elektrische Straßensysteme (ERS) – Handlungsempfehlungen

Präsentation entstanden im Rahmen des Projekts AMELIE.
Hartwig, Matthias

Stakeholder model for the financing and billing of electric road systems (ERS)

IKEM Working Paper.
Cover Abrechnungs-
Bußmann-Welsch, Anna; Hartwig, Matthias; Pfliegl, Werner

Abrechnungs-, Rollenmodelle und technische Lösungsansätze

Präsentation entstanden im Rahmen des Projekts AMELIE.


AMELIE – Abrechnungssysteme und -methoden für elektrisch betriebene Lkw sowie deren interoperable Infrastrukturen im europäischen Kontext

Principal: Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action

Project partner: Fachhochschule Erfurt , Siemens Mobility

Duration: 09/2018–10/2020

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IKEM and EUETH will be hosting a series of side events at this year’s climate negotiations to discuss the energy-climate-defense nexus, the reconstruction of Ukraine’s energy system, and nature-based solutions for climate mitigation.